May 11th is the day of my flight to Brazil.
Dad wants me to talk to ya'll about our trip to the grocery store and our discussions of my future.
Not gonna do that.
Instead- I'm gonna list off my top 5 fears as pertaining to this trip.
#1- Getting out of the Brasilia airport. Once that happens, I will be much less anxious.
#2- Not being fit enough to hike with my marathon running mentor.
"Omg, but you're so skinny, Leigh Anna!" Um, yeah- A) That's an optical illusion produced by my haircut, and
B)Being skinny has nothing to do with lung function. Nice try.
#3- Not being smart enough.
I'm traveling with some really accomplished and smart people. I can't even spell. And I don't know what a monkey is.
#4- Loss of internet.
"Internet" means communication.
#5- Wasps.
So that's that. My plane rides are both at night, so I guess I will just sleep through those. Planes are completely ridiculous and I will never understand how they fly through thin air. But whatever. One day I'll ask someone at GA Tech. But yeah, so I will just sleep.
When we get to Brasilia I will make a facebook announcement. Maybe I will blog. Who knows? JK, I will do both plus instagram plus tweet plus text via KIK plus.
A basic explanation of the plan is that we land in Brazil at 6:53 AM. We will Argo through security, then head to a hotel. We just just be in the hotel for the day. Wifi. Shower. Potty. Then I wanna go party on the streets. Hopefully we can shop and whatnot. Then after the day has passed, we will continue our journey by boarding a big 'ole bus that will carry us for 15 hours north. That sounds like hell on wheels, but secretly- these rides are what I live forrrrrrrr. I love long travels along foreign roads. 'Cept this one will be at night. I may be forced to sleep, but we will see. Then- we arrive at wherever we arrive, and pay some dude with a truck to tote us over to the field station place. That will prolly be bumpy.
The next time I blog it will probably be based on what I literally just said. Or it will be about none of what I just said because I've been booted out of the country for not complying to visa requirements. Argo.
Anyways, bye. See ya'll in 77 days.
sweet child, be careful take us along with you please via your awesome photographs!!!!!