So we needed to eat. And I went to a simple little place called Mini Kalzone. I'm so shy about Portuguese right now... That I asked for the vegetarian calzone without even trying to pronounce it in Portuguese (vegetariano). Also, I figured it would be simple enough for the teenage boy working the counter to understand regardless of the English- PLUS, it would signal to him that I don't speak his language.
So he bursts out asking me this and that. And I smile, stare at him, shrug my shoulders, shake my head, and tell that I don't speak Portuguese. It took all of those actions to get him to quit trying and call his buddy out from the kitchen.
Lol this cute teen boy come out from around the corner... Clearly he had been eating the food he was producing lol... And he started clearing his throat. A third boy and the first boy were chattering about the situation, and I smiled at this second boy, who was preparing to try out his apparently rusty English... I said, "Do you speak English?" That threw him all off. They all giggle and laugh. And chatter. And I feel very odd. And nervous! And sorry!
Then, out of the dang sky drops this 20something year old girl who had been there next to me the whole time. She tells them I'm American! I understood that. She looks at me, points at her watch, then hold up seven fingers! Lol, I laugh my head off, and look at the boys, "Oh! It's gonna take seven minutes! That was easy! Mas facil!"
The boys laugh. I'm still embarrassed... I feel like they are making fun of me OBVIOUSLY. Lol, I told the girl, "You should work here!" I pointed, of course, and she understood.
The boys get to working on what I ordered... And the girl and I stand waiting. BOOM- She turns and says to me, "you're beautiful!" WITH ENTHUSIASM, y'all. I gasped, and told her she was too!
She asked me my name, I told her Anna... Then asked for her name- lol but I couldn't make out the syllables. So, I don't know what her name is.
you make me laugh so hard. -KC