Sunday, July 28, 2013

Brazilian TV

July 14, 2013

First and foremost- HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY SISTER LAYLA!! Yesterday, I mean. You are so sweet and cute. You better be being good and brushing your teeth. I hope you got a lot of presents. And to all the readers out there- send Layla a present for her birthday if you haven't already. 

"Born to blossom. Bloom to perish."
-Gwen Stefani

Hello. What's up. I just ate mango so I'm happy. Yesterday I was not happy. Tomorrow I will be happy like today. 

Today is Sunday so we didn't work. And therefore I was slightly bored. That is- until lunch when I was invited to eat inside Maria's house! First I need to clear up a rumor I started before I left home about Maria's kitchen; she does NOT have a dirt floor. Instead- it is of stone. So anyways, I ate in there with Maria and Lucas. It was quite nice! She cooks on a fire with actual wood. I need to take some pictures before I leave. It smells great in there! It was cool.. And afterwards we watched TV. I watched Brazilian TV for SEVERAL hours today. In fact, TV was the only other thing I did besides eat said lunch and said mango. But I don't feel guilty about spending my whole day watching tv because it was an experience!! Serious Portuguese day. Mara and I watched all kinds of shows. She and I would talk about them so that I could grasp what the heck was going on, lol. Mara is a very nice person. And a sarcastic one. We played checkers and she beat me... Even after I cheated by placing two of my pieces back on the board when I only had one left. She still doesn't know I did that. But I just wanna point out that rules of checkers are different here and I was struggling to adapt. 
Other than that we watched TV. Everyone in Brazilian TV dances. Mainly we would talk about who on the TV was pretty and cute and who wasn't. We have completely opposite tastes in humans. As in- we absolutely NEVER agreed. Which is very interesting to me... But I know that I need more samples before I can assume a significant cultural difference in mate-preference.

Today I was watching the family's wild bird eat a cracker that Lucas gave her when I thought- Omg, how can a bird live with no arms? That must be so difficult. Arms are important to animals. But then I realized that if a bird can successfully balance on one foot- the other foot becomes a hand. Problem solved. Go watch a bird. 

In all, today was good for me. Maria told me to come back to Boa Vista if I'm so sad about leaving.

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