July 6th, 2013
So yesterday we had a large birthday party for Marcio. Prolly 20 people were there. We grilled out and ate and drank and all hung out. Lol so much social stimulation was stressful at first since we have been sorta secluded for such a long time. But, we got over it and we had fun!! The music was right, the people were wonderful, and the beer was cold. A great night.
I wish that I could share some scandals with y'all. But I absolutely CANNOT. Lol omgggg there is so much to tell.
Besides the extra human/human social interaction- I had an exceptionally interesting interaction with a monkey today. It basically blew my mind. I wrote it down on paper directly after it happened so that I won't forget it. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna share it here. Aren't you curious? Ha!
I am becoming more and more sure by the day that I want to study sexual behavior in animals. In primates, I think. Im not exactly sure which species. I know that studying chimps in Africa is hard work... but maybe I want that adventure? Maybe I can help answer some of the questions that involve New World monkeys. I'm coming to find out that there are a lot of unanswered questions. I know mostly that this will not be my last field work experience, I am sure. And in addition- I'm still obsessed with spending time on a boat. What's up with dolphins? How can I meet whales? Would I look OK in a wetsuit? I have a lot of questions.
Stephanie, I hope Australia is amazing. I thought of you today. You're special.
Danielle and Kalynn and Kalia and Mason and Lina and Cammie- I love y'all.
Two important quotes:
Stephen Pinker on the definition of intelligence: "Rocks are smarter than cats because rocks have the sense to stay away when you kick them."
Gwen Stefani on the definition of being awesome:
"Take a chance cuz you might grow..... Take a chance, you stupid ho. Life is short- you're capable."
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